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Aqua Art Miami with C. Emerson Fine Arts

I will be showing some new water colors this December@

Aqua Art Miami with C. Emerson Fine Arts from

St. Petersburg, FL. Click on the link below for a preview.

Reader Comments (2)

Hi Ryan,
My name is Nicole and I publish an online art magazine. (www.iniciativacolectiva.com)

I got your info from Francesco LoCastro and was wondering if you were interested in doing a Live Painting at Claudia Calle Studio on Dec. 4th, at Wynwood during Art Basel.
I see you will be showing at Aqua, but I don't know if you will be present all weekend there.

You can email me at editor@iniciativacolectiva.com

Let me know as soon as you can. I really enjoyed your work and would love it if you could join us during the event:
This is the link to the events for the week of Art Basel, like I said, the party would be on Friday the 4th.
Check it out and let me know:

Thank you!
Nicole Andujar
Iniciativa Colectiva Magazine

November 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNicole A.

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June 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulius

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