Hi Ryan, My name is Nicole and I publish an online art magazine. (www.iniciativacolectiva.com)
I got your info from Francesco LoCastro and was wondering if you were interested in doing a Live Painting at Claudia Calle Studio on Dec. 4th, at Wynwood during Art Basel. I see you will be showing at Aqua, but I don't know if you will be present all weekend there.
You can email me at editor@iniciativacolectiva.com
Let me know as soon as you can. I really enjoyed your work and would love it if you could join us during the event: This is the link to the events for the week of Art Basel, like I said, the party would be on Friday the 4th. Check it out and let me know: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=logo#/event.php?eid=174494841558&ref=mf
PPC term commonly use by online marketer it refer to Pay Per Click ads. It is also a one of most effective effort. You just have to setup your campaign for specific period of time and observe its results on daily basis.
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Ryan,
My name is Nicole and I publish an online art magazine. (www.iniciativacolectiva.com)
I got your info from Francesco LoCastro and was wondering if you were interested in doing a Live Painting at Claudia Calle Studio on Dec. 4th, at Wynwood during Art Basel.
I see you will be showing at Aqua, but I don't know if you will be present all weekend there.
You can email me at editor@iniciativacolectiva.com
Let me know as soon as you can. I really enjoyed your work and would love it if you could join us during the event:
This is the link to the events for the week of Art Basel, like I said, the party would be on Friday the 4th.
Check it out and let me know:
Thank you!
Nicole Andujar
Iniciativa Colectiva Magazine
PPC term commonly use by online marketer it refer to Pay Per Click ads. It is also a one of most effective effort. You just have to setup your campaign for specific period of time and observe its results on daily basis.