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ty_po, text_r & NYC


Hell yeah! New York Comic Con is next week, October 11-14, and myplasticheart's booth 3313 will be the home for my latest round of custom art toys, which I refer to as the "kinda blu" series.

This new ty_po 3" dunny series is a limited edition of 7 blind boxes for $75 a piece. Each one is crafted with dry transfer instant lettering but 1 chase version has a hint of my [O8STACLES] style popping out of the head.

I will also present my first custom Fonzo in my crispy clean text_r style. This little Freak Store figure entiteled "hint hint wink wink" is designed using di-cut vinyl letters and will be released into the NYCC wild for $150.

Along with Fonzo, I have customized my first Mega MUNNY. Experimenting with my latest styling, x-text_r, which uses matte and glossy spray paints with dicut vinyl letters as a mask, this 18-inch vinyl beast is a one-of-a-kind and is going for $750.


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